Sunday, July 27, 2008


Cara may have created a monster. Oh sure, I have heard the stories about "blog addiction" but like most people, I thought, "It won't happen to me." I have always thought of the computer as a tool - a necessary item to use when I have to bring work from home, or check directions to a friend's place. I only occasionally used it for leisure, and then only to do some crossword puzzles or sudoku. Now, I turn on this same computer and become immersed for hours in the world of blogs, and often forget my original mission. Earlier in the week I thought, "I can quit at any time." And I can. I think. I am not as certain as I once was.

Since I have been so busy blogging about blogging, I bet you are wondering how the 'ole diet is going. For that, I did manage to drag myself out of the blogosphere (that's what they call it). I updated my spreadsheet, trying to sort through my hazy memory in order to determine exactly how many beers, chips, mozzarella-tomato thingies, and glasses of wine I had last night. My slight headache and gorilla breath indicate that it could be a few more glasses than I might like to admit. And then there was the cheesecake. I had been forewarned of this fabulous concoction, because my friend is actually considering marketing it. Anne, I think you have a winner, as I would definitely pay money to eat your cheesecake again. Luckily, I don't have to - there's more in the fridge!
But sigh....once again, the diet goal has not been reached. So close! Yet so far away. At least the glass is half-full, though. I got back to the gym, and after the storm on Wednesday night, we had three days of gorgeous weather so I took the mountain bike out. I had hoped this trend would continue a few more days, but alas, I am currently typing on my porch and sweating like a really sweaty thing. (Forgive me, I just want to go inside to my air conditioning now.)
Hopefully I can redeem myself from my shameful addiction to baked goods this week. Did I mention there's more cheesecake in the fridge??


CaraBee said...

I hear you on the blogging addiction. I'm totally and completely hooked. When we go to visit my family this week in Kansas, I won't be able to check my blog and accompanying stats or read other people's blogs with the frequency I am used to, and it might be a little painful.

And I could totally go for some cheesecake right now.

Mel said...

Hello, my name is Mel (HI, MEL!) and I'm a blog-aholic. I spend more time on my blog than I do just about anything else in my life. SIGH!

I also share your cheesecake addiction. Did you know Eli's makes (get ready for this) cheesecake-on-a-stick? It's a piece of cheesecake dipped in chocolate and stuck on a stick for portable eatability. It should be outlawed!!!

Danielle Filas said...

HI. I'm Danielle (HI DANIELLE!) and I'm a blog-aholic. It's like, Google gave it to me for free... and then I got completely hooked. And the next thing I knew, I'm typing into a laptop with a dying battery at midnight.

Not so much with the cheesecake- but anything chocolate and fuuuuuGEt about it!

Thanks. I feel much better.