Friday, April 18, 2008

Gathering Will Power

It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Maryland, and the forecast for State College tomorrow is just as good, with rain beginning in the evening. For those who have never lived in Happy Valley (again, I pretend that I have readers other than my family) it rains there ALL the time. Little umbrellas in the book bag are a necessity. But tomorrow should be optimal for beer consumption. I am pretty concerned about my will power for tomorrow, because it has not been all that stellar throughout the week. While planning, I neglected to remember an after-work meeting which is always accompanied by those little mini-quiches and weenies. (I don't actually like the weenies, but it is fun to say, tee-hee.) I naively told myself that I would not partake, but to no avail. It was as if those weenies marched right onto my plate. I ate three of them, and I don't even like the weenies. I also ate several quiches, and a few of the little mini-chicken quesadillas. In all, I managed to eat 600 calories. So much for will power.
On beautiful days like these, I also feel more like having a nice brew to relax after work - another thing I had thought I would give up in order to prepare for the required gorging tomorrow.
I did have a few triumphs. I managed to stay off the coffee all week, and I walked every day. Today, it was so nice that I walked the full hour at lunch. On my spreadsheet, these items are tacked on to the end - the coffee acts against me, but the walks act in my favor. I already go to the gym 3 times a week, so the walks are just a welcome bonus.
My recent weight loss was also noticed by a sort of stranger. We all have these sort of strangers in our lives, whether it is someone who attends the same church or the checkout person at the grocery store or even the neighbor we see daily while walking the dog. In this case, someone who goes to my gym mentioned that I must have lost a lot of weight, because my face looks thinner. I am not certain if she has me confused with another sort of stranger. Also, I am not really aiming to reduce the size of my face. But what the heck, I'll take it.
It is weird, but I am actually more inspired to continue trying to lose weight by the negative feelings I have - how I still have pants in my closet that don't fit, and how I still wear a size bigger than I'd like. This positive feedback has just made me want to get on the scale and see if it is true. I almost did it the other day, but I decided to wait for the doctor's visit I have scheduled for the 29th. I am worried that I will go into a minor depression when I find out...

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