Sunday, April 19, 2009

Out of Order

Despite cyber-space's apparent objection to my post, I may have finally successfully managed to type. Take that, cyber-space! I had to restart my frozen crappy laptop FOUR times! I was unable to use the mouse and had to jerkily guide my finger over the little screen pad thingie instead. And I could not read my bloggy friend's blogs for inspiration. Despite all these things, I am here.

Unfortunately...I ain't got a lot to say. It just feels good to sit OUTSIDE on my porch, sipping coffee and enjoying nature while my computer freezes up. For Christmas, I requested a bird book, because the woods surrounding our apartment are inundated with the little critters. I am aware that I haven't reached the proper age to be a "birder" - I think being a senior citizen is a requirement - but I thought it might be nice and peaceful to sit quietly in the woods and watch/learn about the birds. Unfortunately, birds are not as crazy about being observed as I had hoped. And birding is not overly easy for someone who left her camera in Pennsylvania a few weeks ago. I look at a bird perched on the roof of my downstairs neighbor's den, and I try to memorize his (or her) markings before he (or she) flits away. I have no idea which section of my book to turn to, though I am confident that it is not an owl, hawk, or eagle (I am such a genius). It could be a warbler or sparrow....sigh.

So you see what I mean. I have resorted to birding as an appropriate blog topic. I promise, I will try to do better.
.........Once my computer decides to cooperate!

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